September 16, 2012

Today's Resolution... be a better blogger!

Today I stumbled upon my own blog. Yes, stumbling upon one's own blog is very possible; as I Google searched my brand name to see my rankings this morning, I noticed a familiar address at I was busy this summer (weren't we all?) and managed to forget entirely about my blog's existence. I don't know how I did it, either. However, my resolution for today (I can't wait for New Year's!) is to be a better blogger.

I will try my very best to keep updates fresh and regular, sharing images, thoughts, new work, and events with my appreciated followers. And I may even try to grow my following. I am a strong believer in the "build it and they will come" mindset, but I'm also impatient. Time to build my following and my blog as autumn makes its way to Maine!

In other news, my shop will reopen before the month ends. In the meantime, I'm preparing for an upcoming craft event and browsing cameras in the search for an upgrade. My old Kodak point and shoot is familiar and decent, but I think it's about time I make a change! For now, I'll mull over possible post ideas and prepare for my craft show and the grand reopening of Stonetree Jewelry.

Until next post,

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